What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing art that has been practiced in Asia for more than 4000 years. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine, hair-thin needles into energy pathways of the body called, meridians. These pathways cannot be seen, but exists throughout the body like a web. Energy flows inside of them. Chinese call this life-force “Qi”. Qi flows throughout the body to maintain normal healthy function. If this energy becomes congested or slowed in regions of the body, a state of imbalance will occur. Acupuncture is a primary element of traditional Chinese medicine. It is a well developed, whole healthcare system that is based on natural energetic laws.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Most people feel no or minimal discomfort. In fact, many are surprised and relived about this. A well trained acupuncturist can make treatment a pain-free pleasurable experience. After the needle is inserted, you may feel nothing or a slight numbness, “heaviness”, or slight tingling. Treatment is effective whether it is sensed or not. After treatment, many experience a euphoric feeling and often profound peace.
Is acupuncture safe?
Yes, acupuncture is safe if it is performed properly by a well-trained acupuncturist. Acupuncture is a drug-free treatment that avoids the many side effects of medications, including dependency.
During each session, the acupuncturist constantly monitors the patient’s condition. Treatments are adjusted accordingly. Worldwide, acupuncture is increasing in popularity due to its safety, effectiveness, and toxic-free benefits.
How does acupuncture work?
Disturbance in normal energy flow (Qi) along the meridians is believed to result in disease. Acupuncture stimulates the center and peripheral nervous system. Endorphins from the brain make acupuncture particularly effective in pain control.
Are there any side effects?
Acupuncture is an extremely safe form of physical medicine. Occasionally, minor soreness, tenderness or bruising may occur around the treated area. This can last a few hours to a day. Also, the patient may experience pattern changes in appetite, sleep, bowel, or urination. This is part of the body’s natural healing process.
How many treatments are needed?
The number of treatments needed depends on the patient’s condition, state of health, and energetic healing stages. 2 to 10 treatments are required to resolve most health problems. Chronic conditions may require more than 10 treatments before significant benefits accrue. Along the way, patients should see an overall improvement in their health as symptoms become better.
How do I prepare for an acupuncture treatment?
Wear loose clothing. Avoid alcohol and caffeine consumption 24 hours prior to treatment. Treatments will be more effective if you are not too overly hungry, full, fatigued, or emotionally upset. The patient should relax and breathe deeply. Also, you should not change position or move suddenly once the needles are inserted.
Is acupuncture preventative?
They say, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. In regards to acupuncture, this is very true. Those who are aware of the great benefits of acupuncture, seek out regular treatments before illness occurs. It is important to balance the flow of Chi energy in each season. These are; Spring, Summer, Late-Summer, Fall and Winter.
What does acupuncture treat?
What is Chi Energy?
Chi energy is pronounced, “Chee”. Chi energy is also known as “Life Force” or “Energy Flow”. In traditional Chinese culture, Chi is an active principle part of any living thing.